The two teams are on opposite sides of the Class 1A bracket. They're the only rural Northern Minnesota teams in the tournament.
Brainerd won its second title at the state high kick competition and finaled in jazz. Crosby-Ironton finaled in both categories but missed the top three.
One team, two sprint duo and two individual athletes from rural Northern Minnesota medaled at the state nordic ski meet last week.
The jazz competition will take place Friday, Feb. 14, 2025, with high kick to follow on Saturday. Performances begin at 11:30 a.m. each day.
Every Friday morning, we get to know one of our members on "What's for Breakfast." Recently, we spoke with Seren, an eighth grader from Pine River.
Cook County is the only rural Northern Minnesota school to qualify as a team; they were also the only team to have an individual athlete place in the top 10.
At least two of the three judges at the MSHSL festival must consider a performance "of superior quality" for it to be named a starred performance.
Nearly 40 student-athletes from rural schools across the Northland will race at next week's state meets at Giant's Ridge.
Companies from Bagley and Hibbing won their respective sections to advance to the State Festival, which will begin Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025.