In celebration of Earth Day, all humans are invited to stop by Hobson Union on the Bemidji State University campus Sunday, April 22 between 12:30 and 3:30p.m. The Bemidji State University Sustainability Coordinator Erica Bailey-Johnson stopped by to tell us all about it. Music by local musicians, readings by local poets, artwork by local artists, hands on activities, demonstrations by local experts, free food and a silent auction that will benefit the Bemidji Area Food Shelf and the Watermark Art Center are just a few of the exciting activities she and her team put together.
The day gets underway with a hand-drumming demonstration at 12:30p.m. Click on the segment to learn more about the Arts of the Earth festival, find out how art transcends people beyond their differences and learn how Native Americans have a deep seeded relationship with the earth is different than many other cultures and more sustainable than that of many other cultures.
What is one thing you are you doing to live sustainably? Send us an email! We'd love to know.