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What's for Breakfast: 8-year-old from Amsterdam visits Deer River

A white bowl of oatmeal with milk.
Jennifer Barr
While this is not Hilde's oatmeal, it certainly is a bowl of oatmeal.

Every Friday morning, we get to know one of our members on "What's for Breakfast." Recently, we spoke with Hilde from Amsterdam, who was visiting Deer River.

DEER RIVER — Usually it's pancakes, but for Hilde from Amsterdam, oatmeal with apples and cinnamon was on her kitchen table while visiting Northern Minnesota.

And not coffee, obviously — she's only 8. Usually, it's milk or water.

A young girl holds a white, striped cat.
Murphy family
Hilde from Amsterdam visits Deer River in 2024 and meets new feline friends.

Hilde described Amsterdam as wet in the summertime and not that fun, and she's not the biggest fan of some of the food, like herring or the cheese her dad loves.

Hilde has been enjoying a family cabin in Deer River this summer, where she's been tubing, fishing, swimming and boating.

"Listen to the full KAXE interview above"

What's in a name?

"It's a funny story," Hilde said when asked about her name. She said her parents were looking for a nice Indonesian name since her dad, Sahala, is from Indonesia.

But then they found some European and Swedish names and came across Hilde.

"They looked up what that meant. It was a warrior. A female warrior Viking," Hilde laughed but admitted she does indeed feel like a female warrior Viking.

As for living in Amsterdam, Hilde explained her dad got a job there.

"We wanted new opportunities," Hilde said on the KAXE Morning Show.

She's enjoying her time in The Netherlands, where she's met lots of friends and learned Dutch. Hilde helps her family out with the language difference, but she said most people also speak English.

School starts on Sept. 2, and Hilde's excited to get back to her friends and her pet Chihuahua, Yip.

"He came pre-trained, which was nice," Hilde said. "When I wake up he's right next to me."

Thanks to Homestead Mills for Hilde's parting gift, country-blend cereal.

We love hearing about breakfasts. Send us photos or join us on What's for Breakfast on Friday mornings at about 7:50 a.m.

Text us at 218-326-1234. You just need to be a member of KAXE!

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Stay Connected
Heidi Holtan is Director of Content and Public Affairs. She manages producers/hosts and is the host of the KAXE Morning Show, including a variety of local content like Phenology, What's for Breakfast, Area Voices, The Sports Page and much more, alongside Morning Edition from NPR.