The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency said cleanup is ongoing after the coal ash wastewater spill, including soil and water testing.
Early test results show elevated sulfate levels in water, threatening Blackwater Lake's abundant wild rice. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency continues to oversee mitigation.
Contaminant tests are planned for Thursday. Major concerns have yet to emerge, but the Leech Lake emergency management director expressed concern about wild rice harvest impacts.
The leak occurred at Minnesota Power's Boswell Energy Center. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency both responded.
The approximately 180-mile transmission line will primarily follow existing transmission corridors, from Northern Minnesota to central Minnesota, to better serve the region in the transition to renewable energies.
Marshall Helmberger with Border News Roundup
Marshall Helmberger with Border News Roundup
Over the last year we’ve reported on a variety of developments in the fast growing solar power industry in MN. MN’s two largest utilities, Xcel Energy and…