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Ely man who deliberately ran down deer cited, Timberjay reports

Karen Oothoudt via KAXE-KBXE Season Watch Page FB

Marshall Helmberger publishes the Timberjay newspaper serving Ely, Tower and Cook and much of northeastern Minn. Each week on KAXE’s Friday morning show he talks about the big stories of the week.

TOWER — It turns out, there aren’t many laws addressing crimes against animals.

A Minnesota Department of Natural Resources conservation officer recently cited Casey Meadows, a natural resources student at Minnesota North-Vermilion in Ely, for three misdemeanor counts of running down wildlife.

Meadows apparently told law enforcement he considered his actions to be funny at the time, the Timberjay reported, though they left three deer paralyzed. A passerby euthanized the three deer with a firearm.

“But you know the outrage on social media was immediate, and a lot of folks are actually wanting to see much stiffer penalties for for what he did.”
Marshall Helmberger

“I mean, people had pulled over, they were crying, you know, watching these deer, struggling in most cases,” said Marshall Helmberger, publisher of the Timberjay newspaper, during the Friday, April 7, KAXE Morning Show. “It seemed like their spines had been severed and they could only kind of crawl on the road.

“But you know the outrage on social media was immediate, and a lot of folks are actually wanting to see much stiffer penalties for what he did.”

The Timberjay reported Ely Police Chief Chad Houde acknowledged ambiguity in state statute regarding animal cruelty that he found frustrating.

Friday, Helmberger also discussed the Ely City Council’s new cannabinoid ordinance after a four-month moratorium. Timberjay Editor Catie Clark reported the new ordinance requires businesses to apply for both on-sale and off-sale licenses for edible cannabinoid products. Businesses can apply for permits lasting for one year. The final vote was 4-2.

Good news about Lake Vermilion walleyes made the paper this week as well. Helmberger reported walleye numbers are well above average, meaning high numbers of walleye in the 16- to 20-inch range. Lake Vermilion carries a protected slot limit. Perch and smallmouth bass numbers were also good.

Border News Roundup, a conversation with Helmberger, is on KAXE’s Friday Morning Show at 7:20 a.m. Helmberger said he will provide updates on flooding in the weeks ahead.

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Heidi Holtan is KAXE's Director of Content and Public Affairs where she manages producers and is the local host of Morning Edition from NPR. Heidi is a regional correspondent for WDSE/WRPT's Duluth Public Television’s Almanac North.