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Bemidji Senior Center hosts scarecrow contest

Scarecrow standing in a field.
The scarecrow contest hosted by Bemidji Senior Center begins Sept. 15.

BEMIDJI — A scarecrow contest at Bemidji Senior Center begins Sept. 15.

The top two vote-getters will receive gift cards worth $30 and $20 and must be entered between 9 a.m. and noon Friday, Sept. 15.

Scarecrows must be created and not bought. They may sit or stand but must be at least 4 ft tall. They must contain no political or inappropriate materials or themes.

The scarecrows are required to remain indoors at the Bemidji Senior Center, 216 Third St NW, until Oct. 20. All visitors to the center can vote on their favorite scarecrow.

Those with questions may call 218-751-8746.