Question of the Week: What's your favorite holiday decoration?
Published December 6, 2024 at 11:30 AM CST
This week, we want to hear about your favorite ornament or holiday decoration. Why is it special to you?
It's beginning to look a lot like the holidays.
Is there a specific decoration in your collection? Maybe something sentimental, or something just so hilarious to you for whatever reason?
Since this week's question is all about visuals, check out the slide show of pictures we received on our Facebook post.
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Listener Deborah loves this glass snowman ornament.
Contributed / Deborah Ewen Miller
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This gnome is the favorite of KAXE Volunteer Coordinator Dan Gannon.
Contributed / Dan Gannon
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Listener Lisa said her mom purchased this nativity set the year she was born, 1962.
Contributed / Lisa Arnold
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Heidi Holtan's mom made Santa and Mrs. Claus in a ceramics class.
Contributed / Heidi Holtan
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Listener Karen shared, "This church is more than 70 years old, still has the cross on top of the steeple, and its original box. It was a gift from my father to my mother and has Mama written on the box. Sweet to see his handwriting and know the gift was purchased with great love, probably at the hardware store in my little hometown."
Contributed / Karen Karls
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From Tracey: This snowman that our son OBVIOUSLY gave his maximum effort on in grade school. He was either bored with the activity or trying to be the class clown. Likely both, but either way “funny snowman” gets displayed and laughed about every Christmas.
Contributed / Tracey Bartholomew
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KAXE volunteer Nicole Hoops loves this ceramic tree that her mom made in the 70s.
Contributed / Nicole Hoops
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Listener Rachel shared, "I haven’t unpacked mine yet. I’m behind. But this is my favorite - the building from Die Hard and Hans Gruber falling to count the days to Christmas."
Contributed / Rachel Coyne
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Listener Paul shared his favorite holiday ornament.
Contributed / Paul Koplitz
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Listener Scott shared his favorite holiday decoration.
Contributed / Scott Phillips
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Dale calls this his "creepy Santa" decoration.
Contributed / Dale Wyttenbach
And, finally, we received this from Andrew in Iowa:
Do you have a favorite ornament or holiday decoration? Let us know!