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The Minnesota city has not committed to operating a municipal dispensary, but the application is the first step in the process if it chooses to do so.
Due to frigidly cold temperatures and wind chills, the Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry rescheduled its Feb. 11-12, 2025, stops in Northern Minnesota.
The local group of advocates for missing and murdered Indigenous relatives, MMIW 218, will host a walk and program on Feb. 14, 2025.
And: Bagley and Hibbing earn starred performances at State One Act Play Festival; and MN lawmakers discuss impacts of potential federal Department of Education shuttering.
The purpose of the Fernberg Corridor Project is to minimize the potential effects from a wildfire where the Boundary Waters abuts residential areas.
Among recipients is Greater Bemidji, which will receive $575,000. The funding will support three different child care initiatives for Bemidji and the Red Lake Nation.
At least two of the three judges at the MSHSL festival must consider a performance "of superior quality" for it to be named a starred performance.
A special election to fill Itasca County Commissioner District 4 will be Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025.
Plus: Nurses call attention to growing influence of artificial intelligence.
Plus: Public comment being accepted on Fernberg Corridor Project to reduce wildfire risk; and Hibbing to host public hearing on its plans to issue bonds to improve its public works facility.