Northern Minnesota is a pretty incredible place. We celebrate the natural world around us every Tuesday morningon what we call the Phenology Show. Our Phenology Talkaback segment happens each Tuesday at around 7:45am. It's the time of the week when we gather and share the natural sightings, obersvations and questions our listeners have sent throughout the week.
This week we heard from Ed in Deerwood. He saw a snapping turtle and a monarch on milkweed. Eric from Boonsboro, Maryland. His family spends one month each summer in Minnesota. He called in with a phenology report from Maryland. Did you know Maryland has no natural lakes? Eric notes this and insight on mullberries and chiggers as well as many other interesting details of what's happening at his place out east. We hope he calls in when his family vacations here in the coming weeks!
What are you noticing outside? We want to know! Send an email or leave a voicemail on our talkback line (218-999-9876)! You might also consider joining our KAXE-KBXE Season Watch Page on Facebook to connect with other nature-conscious folks in northern Minnesota!
Phenology Talkbacks are made possible by the members of Northern Community Radio and a grant from the U of MN NE Regional Sustainable Development Partnership.
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