COLERAINE — The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is seeking public comment on a draft air permit for MagIron LLC in Coleraine.
The permit will require a Fugitive Dust Control Plan, intended to help reduce dust emissions from roads, storage, stockpiles and exposed mining areas.
MagIron is the new owner of the former Prairie River Minerals Demonstration Plant, the former Mag Mining LLC Plant 4, and Jessie Loadout, all located west of Coleraine. With MagIron's purchases, the facilities are under common control and are considered a single stationary source for the air permit.
Although MagIron will produce iron concentrate at its facility, it is not a taconite ore processing plant because it will not produce taconite pellets. The site includes two scram mining operations and a rail loadout facility.
Scram mining is a process by which ore is recovered from waste piles left behind from previous mining operations. The area hasn’t been mined since the 1980s.
The PCA is now accepting public comments on the permit, and an in-person public meeting will take place at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 19, at the Nyberg Community Center in Coleraine.
The state issued an industrial wastewater permit to the company last month. That permit requires the installation of four more groundwater monitoring wells to detect potential contamination. It also requires monitoring for aluminum in all its groundwater wells and in the site’s pond.
Plus: Public comment being accepted on Fernberg Corridor Project to reduce wildfire risk; and Hibbing to host public hearing on its plans to issue bonds to improve its public works facility.
After sitting dormant during winter for the past decade, strained by high energy costs, the Lodge of Whispering Pines is up and running on the strength of a solar project.
Plus: dozens of Up North high school athletes will compete in state ski meets at Giant's Ridge; and Rep. Pete Stauber reintroduced a bill to restore mineral leases near the Boundary Waters.
The legislation would reverse the Biden administration's withdrawal of mineral leases near the Boundary Water Canoe Area Wilderness.
The museum on the history of the Iron Range in Chisholm offers prizes to participants who complete the survey by Feb. 14, 2025.
This week, we've been asking about your ideal travel plans. Your answers are taking us all over the world!
A Laporte woman is among those capitalizing on the growing number who prefer low- or no-alcohol drink options and cancer risks associated with drinking are further defined.
Nearly 40 student-athletes from rural schools across the Northland will race at next week's state meets at Giant's Ridge.
Michigan-based Roush, with winter test-driving operations in Bemidji, is the latest member of the Engine Technology Forum, a national not-for-profit organization.