"Moving beyond protest and into policy, and looking toward progress...We want action and change... It's not just about Mr. George Floyd. It's about all of the George Floyds and it's about what else can be done...We want to continue the conversation in social change so we can make America great for the first time...We need police. We also need severe police reform... We have to step back and consider what really needs to change. " - Juanita Reopelle, Project for Change
Project for Change is a Bemidji area nonprofit, nonpartison group formed with the mission to build awarenesss, create social opportunities, and enrich the quality of life for historically marginalized, disadvantaged, oppressed, and resilient black and brown communities through policy, accountability and action. The group formed shortly after the death of George Floyd in consideration of racial and social issues impacting people of color in teh Bemidji area.
Project for Change is meeting today at 2pm at Paul and Babe in Bemidji. Music and speakers will be on hand and attendees will have opportunities for conversation and idea sharing.