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Covid Connections: Catie Belleveau's survival techniques are positively contagious

Heidi spoke with Cate Belleveau this morning about how Covid-19 has affected her and how she's coping with the new normal of social distancing.  Cate recently spent a couple weeks in Florida and self-quarantined for 14 days after her return.  In this interview, she gets real about concerns for her children as they face adverse affects Covid is having on their occupations, but she also has a positive outlook that, like Covid, is highly contagious!  

One of Cate's suggestions for passing the time while staying at home was through the Getty Museum.  Find 3 household objects and recreate a masterpiece! 

Cate is busy checking syrup taps, working on a book, hunting for pictures in the woods and creating art.  She noted how in these times, it is our creative people and our creative selves that are in fact creating survival mechanisms for all of us..books, music, and movies are just a few things many have been turning to for joy.   Cate and her husband Al have been working on the Getty Museum Challenge where regular folks are re-creating the works of masters and sending them along to the museum.  After a failed attempt at re-creating Gustav Klimt's The Kiss with husband Al, she recreated Soul of the Rose by John William Waterhouse! She challengesyou to recreate something and send it along, too

How are you finding peace and inspiration during these times?  Send an email to!

Katie Carter started at Northern Community Radio in 2008 as Managing Editor of the station's grant-funded, online news experiment Northern Community Internet. She returned for a second stint in 2016-23. She produced Area Voices showcasing the arts, culture, and history stories of northern Minnesota.
Heidi Holtan is KAXE's Director of Content and Public Affairs where she manages producers and is the local host of Morning Edition from NPR. Heidi is a regional correspondent for WDSE/WRPT's Duluth Public Television’s Almanac North.