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Anderson Fabrics in Blackduck Gears Up to Make a LOT of Facemasks

Jennifer Morrison, sales and marketing director for Anderson Fabrics in Blackduck MN, took some time to talk with Maggie Montgomery from Northern Community Radio about how the company geared up to make cloth face masks during the Covid-19 pandemic. It's a fascinating story of how they created PPE prototypes, tried to source materials on the global market, the dedication of the staff who work at the Blackduck facility, and their appreciation for those on the front lines.

Anderson Fabrics sells its face masks online in large or small quantities for individual or business use here.

Maggie is a rural public radio guru; someone who can get you through both minor jams and near catastrophes and still come out ahead of the game. She pens our grants, reports to the Board of Directors and helps guide our station into the dawn of a new era. Maggie is a locavore to the max (as evidenced on Wednesday mornings), brings in months’ worth of kale each fall, has heat on in her office 12 months a year, and drinks coffee out of a plastic 1987 KAXE mug every day. Doting parents and grandparents, she and her husband Dennis live in the asphalt jungle of East Nary.