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Strong Women: Ashley Goodman and PAVE - Parents and Allies Who Value Education in ISD 318

Parents and Allies who Value Education (PAVE) is an organization of 318 parents and others who want to work to ensure our kids get the very best education that can be provided.

Today we featured Ashley Goodman on our Strong Women segment. She's a mom who is working actively in community to dispel disinformation when it comes to funding and curriculum and national politics entering into local issues. Here's a letter to the editor from the Grand Rapids Herald Review:

Parents and Allies who Value Education (PAVE) is an organization of 318 parents and others who want to work to ensure our kids get the very best education that can be provided. We understand that for this to happen, our schools need to be adequately funded. The state of Minnesota currently has a historically large surplus. We were disappointed that our senator, Justin Eichorn, Vice Chair of the Education Finance and Policy Committee, has no plan to provide additional revenue to K-12 education. He says he wants to “give it back” to Minnesotans, but one reason we have a surplus to begin with is because for too long our schools have been given short shrift. Now is the time to rectify that. We call on Senator Eichorn to fight for our schools and see to it that they receive the funding necessary to provide our kids with the world-class education they need and deserve.

Ashley Goodman
Grand Rapids