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Patients Talk about Money with Their Doctor in Dr. Stein's Book: Broke

Physician and author Dr. Michael Stein joins Heidi and John on the Friday Moring Show to talk about his new book Broke: Patients Talk about Money with Their Doctor.  This is a book of stories from Dr. Stein’s patients as they talk about economics.  Dr. Stein tells us that health and wealth track very closely.  The expected life expectancy in the poorest county in the US is 67 years old with the richest county at 84.  He shares his thoughts on reducing poverty by half in ten years by giving children an allowance of $2,700 per child per year, expanding Medicaid and increasing the minimum wage.

Dr. Stein encourages physicians to be kind and compassionate, he talks about how it feels to prescribe medication that patients cannot afford and he tells us how the pandemic has changed seeing his patients.

Broke is available on line and through