Sharon Stiteler is otherwise known as the Bird Chick. Her bio from her website:
Official Bio:
Since 1997, I have successfully made it my goal to get paid to go birding. I travel the world as a field trip leader, birding consultant, humorous keynote speaker, bird field technician, bird bander and writer. I wrote the books Disapproving Rabbits, City Birds/Country Birds and 1001 Secrets Every Birder Should Know, I'm #32 in the Geek A Week Trading Card set and work as a National Park Ranger for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. I appear regularly on tv and radio including Outdoor News Radio, All Things Considered and have been on NBC Nightly News answering bird questions. When I'm not digiscoping or performing improv, I'm a blue ribbon beekeeper.
Her latest book is called "1001 Secrets Every Birder Should Know - Tips and Trivia For the Backyard and Beyond". She talked with us today about where the passion for birds came from (when she was 7), migratory birds right now and birds on her life list.