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Changing the Narrative with Independent Journalist Georgia Fort: Questioning Mainstream Media

Formidable Woman Magazine
Georgia Fort

Georgia Fort is a two-time Emmy nominated journalist. Her reporting has been published on CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, and CBS affiliates. Her mission as a storyteller is to change the narrative by amplifying truth, citing diverse sources, and contextualizing social justice issues.

You hear the reporting of independent journalist Georgia Fort on Racial Reckoning - The Arc of Justice heard weekday mornings on KAXE/KBXE.  News Director Heidi Holtan talked with Georgia this week about a posting she saw on social media where Georgia spoke directly to HOW media responds to mistakes. 

since the interview with Georgia Fort, the Star Tribune has publicly acknowledged the misrepresentation of Winston Smith.

Since 2019 Georgia has actively produced and published digital content independently in efforts to activate her own platform, create opportunities for other creators, and be a pioneer of the future of news. Her work ethic and powerful approach to storytelling landed her a spot as an associate producer for PBS Frontline’s American Voices. In 2020 she worked as a field producer for the NBC Today Show online where she helped create a piece about the Say Their Names Cemetery in Minneapolis. Her passion for community inspired her work as a producer of the award-winning short “George Floyd: It Happened Here” and her contributions as co-director of “Amazon Prime’s Rondo: Beyond The Pavement”.

Heidi Holtan is Director of Content and Public Affairs. She manages producers/hosts and is the host of the KAXE Morning Show, including a variety of local content like Phenology, What We're Reading, Area Voices, Sports Page and much more, alongside Morning Edition from NPR.