Phenology is the rhythmic biological nature of events as they relate to climate. Each week, listeners send along phenological observations and questions to Northern Community Radio resident phenologist John Latimer. John gathers the voicemails, emails and letters and shares them during the Talkback portion of the Phenology Show every Tuesday morning.
We heard from across the listening area and even from Topeka, Kansas this week! Included in the reports - questions about chiggers and mystery fungi, reports of paper birches turning color, a tail-less fox, a woodchucks, spider webs, and how to tell a spruce from a fir by smell (fir smells like Christmas, spruce smells like a full cat litter box)!
We missed hearing from longtime contributor Chris Hagen this week and we are sad to report she has suffered a stroke and is currently under hospice care. For more information, go here.
As always, we really would love to know what you are seeing at your place or out on your adventures outdoors. Email your questions and observations or leave a message on our talkback line at 218-999-9876.
School is starting up… We love hearing from schoolkids who are out exploring the natural world around them! John has created a Phenology Curriculum for teachers. If you are a teacher interested in incorporating phenology into your classroom, email John!
If you love phenology, you’ll appreciate our KAXE-KBXE Season Watch Facebook page, too. Check it out!